Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fall photos

In early October, I was asked to do a shoot at a beautiful park in Wake Forest, North Carolina.  I had never been before, and I wanted to check it out before meeting the clients, so Finn and I drove to out there and spent a beautiful afternoon exploring what must've been an old farm... this girl loves being outdoors so much... 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gettin' big-

Another lost post-  from late September, perhaps?  She's a lot bigger now!  

The State Fair

Before we had even moved here, we had heard about the North Carolina State Fair, and it didn't disappoint.   We spent an incredible evening with the Wheatleys eating our way through what is definitely a unique experience-  and one I plan to make it a tradition!

...Oh, the petting zoo... later we learned there was an E Coli outbreak... still love it. 

Caroline- a little bit of Wisconsin in NC

If MasonDee doesn't work out for me...

seriously, this was no joke.


The KK Burger was actually really delicious

Sticker:  "I had a salad at the State Fair of NC"

We tried some pie.

and some french fries...

...and some fried peanut butter and jelly... 
...hot pink hot dogs...

...and Italian sausages...

This is the best!

Even Todd liked it.  

Definitely a smile there...