Friday, July 29, 2011

A great welcome back east!

We drove almost an entire day after we packed up our house in Ann Arbor and were able to spend the night with the Carter crew in Christiansburg, right outside of Blacksburg, where I went to college.  Max has gotten so big!  What a way to end a long day-  we had so much fun catching up and just hanging out with everyone-  Before we left for Raleigh, I took Finn to see Virginia Tech's campus- I think she liked it.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Leaving Ann Arbor

We came to love our little home in Michigan, and we had a remarkable year in Ann Arbor.  It will always be a special place to us since this is where our babes was born, and we will miss so many things about it.

Our last Saturday in Ann Arbor:  the Arboretum 

One last dinner on the patio

Finn's first house

Thursday, July 14, 2011

In memory of Rich Brauman

We were delivered tragic news last week when we learned of Annaliese's fiance's sudden passing.  They were to be married in a month, and Rich would have been Finn's uncle and my brother-in-law.  He was an amazing man with an incredible work ethic and a passion for life, friends, and family. I am so sad that Finn will never really get to know him.  So many of you have reached out to Ahren and me to find out what you can do to help Annaliese and the Rittershaus family.  Donations in memory of Rich may be made to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, c/o Development Office MS#40, 266 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole, MA 02543.

The first night we met Rich a few years ago... at a Red Sox game, of course!

Last summer in Maine
Rich meeting Finn in February
Rich and Finn hanging out in June!

Strawberry Pickin'

It's been awhile since my last post-  we have been busy moving and traveling, and life has been a bit hectic. Lack of internet hasn't helped.  I have been stockpiling photos and hope to post quite a bit in the near future.  Finn turned 8 months old yesterday, and she is becoming really interactive.  She loves new people, and we are enjoying her so much!  Before we left Ann Arbor, we spent a Saturday morning strawberry picking, and we then made preserves and breads and pies... exactly what we should've been doing just a few days before packing the moving truck, right?  

People keep asking me why I'm not on the blog very often... see above.