Saturday, March 26, 2011

March, Part 1...

It's been a crazy and fun month, so this will be the first of a few posts of all the happenings!

Jodes visits to celebrate her birthday...

...and Ahren and I got a few nights on the town.

.Finn gets to spend quality time...

...with her grandmom-

...pondering life...

...and getting lots of love!

She's gotten big enough... 
... to play some jams... 

...and once in awhile...

...she actually has a photo taken with her mama...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Boston Travels...

 We traveled to Malden last week to visit with family and had such a great visit!  Ahren's grandparents came down from Boothbay, and Jim and Sue made the trek from New York.  We all loved watching Finn meet her great-grandparents.  This is one LOVED baby... and that is just perfect...

...meeting Grandpa Chester...

...visiting with Emerson...

...holdin' hands...

...and loving Grammy Alice...

...four generations of Fossetts...

Emerson and Gracie with Finn

Emily and Ben 

Rich and Annaliese

...reunited with Papa...

...if you can't hold the baby, hold Woflie or Rupert... this a dog?...

K Finn meeting another K Finn!
...Baby Beluga...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day in the life

This baby really wakes up smiling in the morning...

Naps are another story...

...and she already loves a good book...

...and food, just like her mama...

...but she's really all Rittershaus...
